For Heavens Shake

For Heavens Shake (1992/2021)


For Heavens Shake was realized in 1992. A »Chicken Shake« and a »Wind Chime« were used as sound generators. The resulting sound events were recorded with a DAT recorder and digitized and processed with the Yamaha TX16W sampler. The digital 12-bit filters produced characteristic sound changes and discoloration; the accompanying artifacts of the low resolution by today’s standards are unmistakable in the softly reverberating noise plumes. At that time, three sets were created, each consisting of three different stereo tracks and played back at the same time. These three tracks, distributed over a total of six different loudspeakers, could be heard in a larger hall, in three medium-sized rooms or in six smaller rooms.

When playing back it should be noted that the majority of the noises and sounds take place in a quiet spectrum that is repeatedly interpolated by eruptions of different intensity.


Original version (1992)

The first performance of these sound installations took place on April 4, 1992 as part of the performance »Electronic music is different …« by the »Zentrum für Elektronische Musik« (ZeM) in the auditorium of the PH Freiburg i.Br. The first set was played between 4:00 p.m. and 4:15 p.m., the second set between 4:45 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. and the third set between 5:30 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.

The three sets are presented here in the original version (the three stereo tracks are distributed in the panorama left – center – right).

For Heavens Shake I (13:11 min.)

      For Heavens Shake I

For Heavens Shake II  (11:16 min.)

      For Heavens Shake II

For Heavens Shake III  (16:00 min.)

      For Heavens Shake III


Revision (2021)

In this new version, the same three sets can be heard in an arrangement from the beginning of 2021. The original material was modified by means of effects such as modulators, resonators, reverb algorithms and equalizers that change the frequency and the surround sound.

In the first set these modulations are static, in the second set they are changed slightly by attractors and in the third set they are changed significantly.

For Heavens Shake I (13:03 min.)

      For Heavens Shake I

For Heavens Shake II (11:41 min.)

      For Heavens Shake II

For Heavens Shake III (16:17 min.)

      For Heavens Shake III