Klanggedichte (Soundpoems) – Poem No.2

Poem No.2 (2012)

A soundpoem – 7:20 min


      Klanggedichte: Poeme No. 2 (2012)

You hear five accords based on five similar notes in different octave-position in different instrumentation, which are in an interaction. There are static sounds of great quiet and a counterpoint of rhythmical sound-passages. The transformation of the sound-layers happens during the live-act, each realization creates different variations.
Poem No.2 was realized with AbletonLive and Max/MSP, the sounds based on FM-synthesis (static sounds) and granular-synthesis (rhythmical sound-paasges).

Worte trügen (Stefan George)

Worte trügen – worte fliehen –
Nur das lied ergreift die seele –
Wenn ich dennoch dich verfehle
Sei mein mangel mir verziehen.